St. Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil, TamilNadu.
SCILAB Text Book Companion Project
Sl.No. |
Student Name |
Book Title |
Web Link |
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Sahaya Akshara Jekcy D |
Digital Logic Circuit Analysis & Design by Victor P. Nelson, H. Troy Nagle, J.david Irwin, Bill D. Carroll, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, N.j. 07632, 1995 |
2 |
Gagan Andrews |
Renewable Energy Sources by John Twidell And Tony Weir, Taylor & Francis, 2006 |
In Progress |
3 |
George Renold A |
Non-Conventional Energy Resources by Shobh Nath Singh, Pearson India Education Services Pvt Ltd, 2016 |
Participation in eSim marathon – 2021
Sl.No. |
Student Name |
Circuit |
Web Link |
1 |
Mohamed Abdullah |
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Cornilious V.G |
Encouraging Neighbouring Institutions
Sl.No. |
Details |
Faculty Involved |
Outcome |
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4 Sessions were conducted on eSim and SCILAB along with FOSSEE Activities in the Anna University Sponsored FDTP on Power System Analysis. 14 Participants from various institutions across Tamil Nadu actively participated in the program. |
Jain B Marshel |
Faculty were motivated to use open-source software in academics. |
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A webinar on SCILAB and FOSSEE activities was conducted to EEE students and the faculty of Stella Mary’s College of Engineering |
Jain B Marshel |
Faculty were motivated to use open-source software in academics. They have asked for offline sessions so that they can convert all their labs in the EEE department to SCILAB and eSim. This offline session will be conducted during the upcoming even summer vacation. |
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Offline discussion with Faculty from Mar Ephraem College of Engineering and Technology |
Jain B Marshel |
Faculty were motivated to use open-source software in academics. They are using SCILAB for the Power system lab using the lab manual created by us. |
Lab Migration Activities
The following laboratories were already migrated to SCILAB and the same is followed for this academic year also.
Power System Simulation Laboratory - Jain B Marshel
Control and Instrumentation Laboratory - A. George Ansfer
Power Electronics and Drives Laboratory – V. Jesus Bobin
Digital Control and Instrumentation Laboratory – M. Abraham Siyon Sing
Coding for Migration of Electric Circuit Analysis Laboratory to eSim is in progress and is expected to be completed before May 2022.
Spoken Tutorial based FDP
FDP on LaTex– Planned for April 2022
FDP on Arduino – Planned for June 2022
Other Activities
The creation of the SCILAB based Power System toolbox is in progress.
Planning to conduct more FDP and Workshop for faculty and students of neighbouring institutions.
Previous Academic Year: 2020-2021