• Scilab Case Study Hackathon:

    The FOSSEE team at IIT Bombay warmly invites all enthusiasts to participate in the Scilab Case Study Hackathon, an exciting opportunity to explore innovation and showcase your skills using Scilab. This hackathon is open to individuals across all domains of expertise.

    What’s in store for you?

    • Explore exciting research challenges using Scilab.
    • Work on problems from diverse domains like Robotics, Machine Learning, Renewable Energy, and more.
    • Gain recognition with certificates and rewards for outstanding contributions.

    How to participate?

    1. Select a research paper as a reference published in a recognized and reputable journal or presented at a reputed conference.
    2. Reproduce its results using Scilab.
    3. Present the Scilab-based solution, workflow, and comparison with the original results along with a report.

    Registrations are already open, so hurry up and secure your spot! Register Now: The submission date ends on 10 February 2025.

    Join us in this exciting journey with Scilab! Looking forward to your participation!

  • One-Day Online Workshop on Arduino on Cloud:

    A one-day online workshop on Arduino on Cloud for the students of BSc. and MSc. Physics at St. Xavier's College, Mumbai was conducted on 18 December 2024. The workshop aimed to introduce the students to the integration of Arduino microcontrollers with cloud-based platforms to facilitate real-time data acquisition, monitoring, and control of Physics experiments.
    Objectives of the Workshop were to:
    Familiarise the students with Arduino and its cloud-based applications.
    Demonstrate practical examples of Physics experiments using Arduino.
    Enable students to apply technology for real-time data analysis and project development.
    Bridge the gap between theoretical learning and hands-on experimentation.

  • First 'Industry-Academia Interaction' on CFD-OpenFOAM:

    FOSSEE, IIT Bombay, organized the first Industry-Academia Interaction to foster Research & Development as well as Learning/teaching of Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD) using OpenFOAM. Seven members of the advisory board of CFD-OpenFOAM were also present. More joined us online. They comprised of faculty members from India and abroad and people working in the industry. This was an endeavour to synergize the ongoing developments in the field of CFD in academics and the corporate sector. The faculty and industry partners suggested various measures that can be implemented so that the FOSSEE activities can help the corporate sector to augment their R&D effort which in turn can result in well-trained potential employees. The Academia can benefit by connecting their research to the problems that the CFD industry is focusing on at present. The event took place on 29 November 2024, from 10 AM in the conference room of Van Vihar guest house.

  • Connect, Simulate and Innovate using Arduino on Cloud:

    This was a faculty awareness programme on Arduino on Cloud, organized by the FOSSEE project at IIT Bombay.  The event was conducted online on 28 November 2024 from 10 AM to 1 PM. We got more than 450 faculty members who joined from all over India. Arduino on Cloud service allows students to learn to use Arduino using any web browser, and does not require the physical version of the Arduino microcontroller.  This will be especially useful in situations where not enough physical boards of Arduino are available.  More information on the support provided by the FOSSEE project on Arduino and Arduino on Cloud is available here: We also had invited faculty members, who had already attended this workshop, to share the experiences about the workshop and let other faculty members know how they are using the platform in their courses. The feedback of the event was very good.

    This was an event which was conducted exclusively for the Subscribed Colleges under Spoken Tutorial Project.

  • WOSET Conference:

    The WOSET is a well-known Workshop/Conference for Open Source EDA tools with hundreds of open source enthusiasts over the globe attending the event. The talk on eSim: An Open-Source EDA Tool for Education was presented on at November 18, 2024, 9:30AM(online) in the Break Out session. The session highlighted eSim as a free and open-source platform designed to simplify circuit design and simulation for students, educators, and researchers. Developed with a focus on accessibility and affordability, eSim bridges the gap between academia and industry by providing an alternative to costly proprietary tools, fostering skill development, and promoting the use of open-source technologies in engineering education. The paper presented in the conference can be found here.

  • Circuit Design & Simulation Hackathon using open source tools:

    NIT Jamshedpur and VLSI System Design (VSD) organized a unique circuit design hackathon to honor the late Ratan Tata. This event aimed to inspire innovation and excellence in the field of VLSI hardware design, reflecting Tata's visionary leadership and commitment to technological advancement. The event was from 24 October till 8 November 2024. The participants were to use only the Open Source EDA tools. One of the tools open source tools used by the participants was eSim. About 600 people participated in the hackathon with most of them using eSim. The eSim team of the FOSSEE project mentored these participants. Among the teams who completed the tasks, more than 20 teams used eSim. Two of the winners of the hackathon were past interns of the FOSSEE team.

  • Virtual Boot Camp for NASA Space App Challenge: Awareness session on R, OpenFOAM and Scilab:

    An awareness session on R, OpenFOAM and Scilab was conducted by the FOSSEE team for the Virtual Boot Camp for NASA Space App Challenge 2023, which is the largest annual space & science hackathon in the world. Space Apps is an international hackathon for coders, scientists, designers, storytellers, makers, builders, technologists, and others in cities around the world, where teams engage with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) free and open data to address real-world problems on Earth and in space.This event was organised by Sandip University on 30 Sept 2024.


  • FDP on FLOSS (Free/Libre and Open Source Software) for Mumbai University affiliated Colleges:

    The FOSSEE Project along with Maharashtra College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai organised a one day faculty development programme on FLOSS (Free/Libre and Open Source Software) for Mumbai University affiliated Colleges on 13 July 2024. The venue was the F. C. Kohli Auditorium, IIT Bombay. Around 80 faculty members from various colleges in the Mumbai region attended the programme. The main themes were the FOSSEE initiatives like FOSSEE-GIS, OpenHardware, and Spoken Tutorials.
  • Awareness Session for Students and Faculty of MIT Pune:

    An awareness Session for students and faculty members of MIT Pune was jointly organised with the FOSSEE team on 11 July 2024. This was an online session. The FOSSEE resource people talked about the various software supported by the FOSSEE Project. They also explained how the students and faculty members  can contribute and get the benefits. There were approximately 50 participants in the event.

  • Talk on "eSim: An Open Source CAD Software for Circuit Simulation":

    A talk on eSim: An Open Source CAD Software for Circuit Simulation was presented at ETH Zurich on 11 June 2024 by Prof. Kannan Moudgalya, the Principal Investigator of the FOSSEE Project. The talk began with an introduction to Spoken Tutorials, the methodology developed by the speaker for large scale training on IT topics. The talk also gave an overview of FOSSEE's activities with specific focus on eSim. The talk was attended the groups of Prof. Luca Benini and Prof. Mathieu Luisier from ETH Zurich.
